10 products to keep your caretaker happy
Who doesn’t love a caretaker? Memories of primary school and a charming chap who’s ‘room’ was essentially a cupboard. Donning a calf-length fawn colour coat and flat cap he was always on hand to help, whether it was to shift some chairs, sweep the playground or to unlock a door using one of the keys from an enormous key ring. Just how did he manage to pick the correct key from that enormous bunch every time?!
So, in an attempt to help keep up the tradition of jolly janitors, we have selected ten industrial products to make them smile.
Lock it up
Lockable metal lockers are great for storing personal belongings. The Janitor's lockers are separated into handy compartments, this gives you the option of hanging up coats and other workwear. Keep work boots and footwear on the floor of the locker, especially if they are dirty, they won’t come into contact with other items inside the cabinet. Also great for keeping a packet of chocolate hobnobs for your morning tea break.
Marvel at the wonder of the multi-purpose janitorial trolley
Many hours could be spent walking around schools, sports centres and hospitals carrying cleaning and maintenance materials. With a janitorial trolley, all your equipment, mop bucket, broom, bottles of cleaning product and even a refuse sack, can be stored and transported on one handy lightweight device. Splendid.
Mop buckets - they’re wheely good
For those whoops moments. Spillages happen and clean-up operation is required. Be in position in a trice, with a bright yellow mop bucket on wheels. It also doubles as a slippery floor warning sign. After all, you wouldn’t want to go creating another whoops moment!
Suck it up
A caretaker staple, the smiley Henry Hoover. Instantly recognisable, this cheery cylinder vacuum will loyally follow you around cleaning the floor along the way. His hat has a soft brim to prevent any damage to walls and doors if he strays a little off course! In the absence of Henry, you might like to opt for the rather more somber Sealey industrial wet and dry vacuum cleaner
Keeping it clean
There will no doubt be occasions when somebody feels poorly and the inevitable happens. Vomit. Yikes! But don’t panic, a bodily fluids spill kit will quickly and effectively soak up the offending spillage killing unwanted odours too. A squirt of the disinfectant spray will not only kill germs but freshen the air too. And, breathe!
Take a seat
Often a daily task, particularly of a school caretaker, the setting out and stacking up of chairs. A heavy-duty chair carrying truck is another caretaker essential. Pile up your chairs and simply wheel them away thus saving time and helping to prevent aching muscles.
Keep order outdoors
Litter on your premises be it the playground, car park or sports field can be dealt with and collected up in an orderly manner with a handy street orderly. You can keep your wheely bin, broom and shovel all together on one convenient trolley. They come in funky colours too, intended to determine the type of litter to pop inside them, however if you fancy you could simple colour co-ordinate with your uniform, creating a cool and groovy caretaker, down with the kids.
When it breaks
Fix it! As the go-to person for all things broken, (broken hearts?), all caretakers need a supply of tools. Be it spanners, screwdrivers or sockets, a tool chest on wheels is ideal for ensuring Bob is able to fix it when required.
Keeping it under lock and key
Banish those oversized jingling bunches of keys and keep all your keys under lock and key in a lockable metal key cabinet. All keys can be numbered and listed on a pleasing index card making locating your desired key a breeze. It also helps keep keys safe and away from wandering hands.
And here’s the extra fun one
The slippery floor warning banana cone! Great for primary schools and for use at children’s events, these fruity warning signs are guaranteed to raise a smile. They’re stackable too so can be simply stored away as a decorative banana tower!
Take care of your caretaker. A happy caretaker is a helpful caretaker, you never know when you’ll need them next.

Author Bio - Debs
Digital marketer, social media, content writer, musician, sloth-lover, tea-drinker.