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A Herb Garden For Small Spaces

Spring has sprung which means all you green fingered people will be prepping your garden for the summer ahead, if however you don’t have the space, we have a life hack for you!

The other week when we were in the warehouse going over various ideas, I glanced to my right and saw a louvre panel with CP Bins, and like a bolt of lightning an idea struck.

What if you are in a flat or somewhere that doesn't have green space but you still want to grow flowers or herbs? This would be perfect! So we give you a step by step guide on growing your own herb garden up a wall.

Step 1 for making a herb garden: Louvre panels and Storage Bins

herb garden

Louvre panels come in a variety of sizes so whether it’s for a balcony or back wall in a small garden you should be able to find a size that works for you.

The next thing you will need are CP Bins, otherwise known as plastic containers or storage bins, they also come in an array of sizes so depending on the rootage of your plant and how big they are you may need to take that into account.

Step 2 for making a herb garden: herbs!

herb garden

The most important step here is selecting the herbs you want to grow in your herb garden, you can choose to go to your local garden centre or you can order a variety online and be surprised (that’s what we did! Not too shabby for £9.99)

Once you have your herbs separate them out into the containers that you want to put them in, this will be their forever home! Before you add the soil drill some holes in the bottom of the bins to allow for drainage. Add in the soil and start planting those ‘erbs!

Step for in making a herb garden: putting up the panel

herb garden

When you are ready to put the herbs outside it is best to install the louvre panel, they are easy to put in place, you will just need a drill and a good eye to make sure it is up straight.

Final step in making a herb garden: putting up the herbs

Adding the herb to the herb garden

The final step is the easiest, hurrah! Simply slot the herbs in place on the louvre panel in whatever order you see fit (though we have put the smaller ones at the top).

Then just step back and admire your herbs!

herb garden


Photograph of Laura Holland

Author Bio -

Social Media and Web Content Coordinator, Jan 2014 - May 2015
