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Cycle Parking Standards Made Easy

Cycling is gaining more and more popularity for its benefits both health wise and financially.

Because of this many towns and cities are working to accommodate and help cyclists with adequate parking around the centres and new housing developments.

We will look at the guidelines and best practices for doing so.

Residential Cycle Parking

Residential cycle parking facilities such as cycle racks and stands should be sited in a convenient place; this is usually as close as possible to the main entry and exit points to encourage cycle use for short trips.

The parking should not be in a place which is restrictive or obstructive to pedestrians or vehicles and it should also be easy to find.

Good lighting is paramount for making cyclists feel like they are leaving their bike in a secure and safe location, if there are CCTV cameras that can be fitted and monitored then this will give an extra piece of mind.

The parking provided should provide cover and also be well maintained, this meanings keeping it clean and making sure that the equipment is maintained and not just left. The design of the parking should also be in keeping with its surrounding area also it is advisable that stands should contrast to the background and stand out to people with visual disabilities.

All new residents should also be made aware of where the cycle park is, and issue any keys or fobs if needed.

Cycle Parking in Town Centres

Cycling parking will depend on who your local council but most will have dedicated place for secure cycle parking, some even have long stay (usually located at bus or train stations).

The guidelines for parking in town centres will be similar to residential, however greater emphasis is placed on the security of the bike as it will be in the public domain and a great risk of being stolen.

Again the parking area should stand out against the background so people with visual disabilities can see. The site should also fit in with the surrounding area and any other 'street furniture' that is nearby to create a consistent feel about the town/city.

There are a whole range of cycling parking options available depending on the amount of people you are catering to and the facilities. has a great cycle parking guide table to help with this below.

Cycle Parking Residential Use

Cycle Parking Residential Use

- GFA = Gross Floor Area

Cycle Parking Retail, Culture, Leisure and Sports Uses

Cycle Parking Retail, Culture, Leisure and Sports Uses

- GFA = Gross Floor Area

Cycle Parking Office Uses

Cycle Parking Office Uses

- GFA = Gross Floor Area

You can read in more depth about cycle parking.

Photograph of Laura Holland

Author Bio -

Social Media and Web Content Coordinator, Jan 2014 - May 2015
