Go Green With Greeny for Recycling Week
To mark recycling week, we are reminding ourselves of some of the simple ways we can assist in being a little bit friendlier to our planet.
We've all now become pretty familiar with the green bins, blue bins, black bins, boxes for glass recycling and even those little food caddy recyclers that adorn our pavements once a week. But it’s easy to forget just how much household waste can be recycled or reused.
Here, we have our friend Greeny to take us through some of his recycling and reusing hints and tips…
Recycle in the office too!
You can continue to recycle whenever and wherever you are. While relaxing at lunch time in your office canteen or break-out room don’t forget to separate your plastic bottles, yoghurt pots, drinks cans, magazines and cardboard tubes from your landfill waste such as tea bags and crisp packets. Give drinks bottles and yoghurt pots a quick rinse before popping them into your recyclables bin, this helps make the recycle process easier when it reaches the depot.
Got a lot of bottle?
Then get down to your bottle bank! If you are not fortunate enough to have glass included in your Local Authority’s weekly refuse collection service, it’s really easy to keep your glass bottles and jars to one side and include a trip to your bottle bank with another of your tasks such as a trip to the supermarket. Many of our favourite shopping stores have bottle banks on the premises so you don’t even have to make a separate trip. Winner!
There are two sides to every story
Before you hit that print button, remember you can print on both sides of a sheet of paper – so that’s a 50% saving on the amount of paper, and trees that you use! Woodlands and all the animals that live in them will love you for it!
Sandwich boxes not bags
Cheese or ham, tuna or prawn, we’re all used to that daily sandwich filling decision. Before you pop your sandwich of choice into a plastic bag, stop! Why not pop it straight into a reusable plastic pot, this reduces landfill waste and prevents your lunch from getting squashed!
Remember, remember your recycling centre!
Is your wheely bin wheely full?! Been doing a spot of garden landscaping and need to remove that pile of branches or grass cuttings from the lawn? Or maybe you’ve replaced an electrical appliance such as a kettle, toaster or microwave? - All of these items are accepted at your local recycling centre and will be disposed of or recycled in the correct way so as to not damage the environment.
Mile Cross Norwich Recycling Centre opening times and information
Buy recycled products to store your recyclable waste
Especially useful in office environments, these tapered trucks are made from recycled plastic, so you can be doubly environmentally-friendly! Keep it by the office printer and you be surprised just how quickly it fills up with recyclable paper and card.

Author Bio - Debs
Digital marketer, social media, content writer, musician, sloth-lover, tea-drinker.