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Heart Health at Work: How Businesses Can Prepare for Cardiac Emergencies and Save Lives

February is National Heart Month in the UK, a time when businesses are encouraged to think about heart health and how they can prepare for cardiac-related emergencies. We're fully behind this cause and want to do our part to help businesses save lives. So, in this blog, we're going to dig deeper into why this initiative is so important, why businesses must be ready for heart-related emergencies, and give practical advice on how everyone can keep their hearts healthy. Plus, we'll talk about how businesses can play a role in this life-saving mission by spreading the word about heart health and keeping people safe. Let's explore how we can all work together to make a difference.

CPR training manikin

Why is it so important to be ready for heart emergencies?

When it comes to heart attacks, 30,000 happen every year in the UK outside of hospitals, usually at home. It's a sad truth that less than 10% of these people survive. But, if more individuals knew CPR, survival rates could be boosted. Quick thinking, such as calling an ambulance and using a heart shock machine (defibrillator), can boost the chances of survival.

Adding to the urgency, recent research found that, even though fewer people were dying from heart attacks before the COVID-19 pandemic, there's been a worrying increase in heart attack-related deaths during the pandemic, no matter their age. This shows how important it is to keep spreading the word on handling heart emergencies and why CPR training mustn't be overlooked in the workplace; after all, many of us spend around a third of our time there during the week.

Essential equipment all businesses should have

Having the right tools can be vital in addressing heart emergencies effectively. Here's some essential equipment every workplace should have:

First Aid Manual: Having a First Aid Manual is essential for emergencies. It's packed with step-by-step instructions for dealing with all kinds of situations, including heart attacks. With this manual, employees can feel more confident and capable of handling cardiac-related emergencies, knowing what to do and how to do it effectively.

CPR training with Little Anne CPR Manikin: Learning CPR with the help of a Little Anne CPR Manikin can provide hands-on practice for staff. This training tool lets employees simulate CPR scenarios, allowing them to learn and perfect their CPR techniques effectively. It's important to ensure that, if the time comes, your staff are ready to spring into action with confidence and skill. With the Little Anne CPR Manikin, employees can feel empowered and prepared to be lifesavers.

Defibrillators: Defibrillators can be lifesavers in emergencies. When someone's heart stops beating, these devices deliver an electric shock to jumpstart it back into action. In critical situations, it can mean the difference between life and death. Having a defibrillator nearby at work can offer peace of mind. But there are many options, so businesses should carry out research to ensure they invest in one that’s right for them. Here are three great defibrillators, each with their key features:

  • SP1 AED Fully Automatic Defibrillator: This fully automatic defibrillator is designed to treat sudden cardiac arrest. It comes in a bright orange carry case with a handle, allowing it to be moved quickly to the person in need.
  • Zoll AED Plus Fully Automatic Defibrillator: This defibrillator is user-friendly, making it suitable for individuals with minimal life-saving experience and training. It provides real-time feedback on chest compressions, ensuring the proper technique is used during CPR.
  • Philips HeartStart FRX Semi-Automatic Defibrillator: This is ideal for first responders with limited training. It's easy to use and can withstand extreme conditions, such as heavy rain and industrial locations, because of its heavy-duty construction.

Tips for Maintaining Heart Health

As well as being prepared in an emergency, prioritising heart health through everyday habits is a must. Here are some simple yet effective strategies:

  • Regular Exercise: Regular physical activity helps make your heart stronger, and keeps it in good shape. Plus, it lowers the chances of getting heart disease, when your heart doesn't work as it should. Exercise is not only beneficial to your heart, but it also boosts your overall health and makes you feel better in general.
  • Healthy Diet: Eating a balanced diet, which includes lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, gives your heart the right type of fuel. These foods help manage such things as cholesterol and blood pressure, which can affect how well your heart works. When you eat healthy, you're giving your heart the best chance to stay strong and healthy too.
  • Stress Management: Finding ways to relax and unwind is important for your heart, too. Stress can take a toll on your heart, so it's crucial to find ways to manage it. Techniques like mindfulness, which is all about staying in the present moment, or doing relaxation exercises, like deep breathing, can help calm your mind and lower your stress levels. Managing your time wisely can also help reduce stress, giving you more time to do things you enjoy and less time worrying.

Empowering Businesses to Promote Heart Health

During National Heart Month, we're reminded of how businesses can make a big difference in keeping people's hearts healthy and being prepared for heart emergencies. It's all about caring for employees and the community by ensuring they have what they need to deal with cardiac-related emergencies.

Businesses can help by providing things like defibrillators and CPR training, so if someone has a heart problem, they can get help quickly. They can also encourage healthy habits at work, like eating well and staying active, to keep everyone's hearts in good shape. By doing these things, businesses show they care about their employees and the community's health. They play an important role in keeping everyone safe and healthy.

Get First-Aid Support for Your Business Today

To make sure your workplace is prepared for heart-related emergencies and has everything it needs, talk to Mark or Stuart in our Technical Sales Support team on 0808 258 2733. You can also email us at [email protected] for expert advice and support. Act now to safeguard the hearts and lives of your employees and the broader community.

Photograph of Debs

Author Bio -

Digital marketer, social media, content writer, musician, sloth-lover, tea-drinker.
