New Health & Safety Law Poster comes into effect on 5th April 2014
On the 5th April 2014, the 1999 Health and Safety Law poster must be replaced with the updated 2009 Health and Safety Law poster. This is following the 5 year transition period that was set by the HSE Board.
So what has changed on the HSE poster?
Well the new poster has been redesigned specifically to be more engaging and encourage people to read it. It also reflects the law change of reducing administrative costs of employers having to give additional written information with the poster or leaflet.
Employers will still be complying with the law if they continue to display the old poster (1999) however they will have the continuing duty of providing additional information in writing when requested; this is the name and address of the enforcing authority and Employment Medical Advisory Service (EMAS and have the responsibility for keeping information up to date.
The new poster and leaflet does not require the employer to provide further information in writing either on the poster, or with the leaflet. Now your staff will be advised to visit HSE’s website and find the relevant information they require themselves. There is still the option to add in the details of the health and safety representatives and other health and safety contacts if needed.
You will be able to tell if you have a genuine Health and Safety Law poster as it will feature a serially numbered hologram on the bottom right hand corner of the poster.
How Many HSE Posters Do I Need?
According to
"Employers have a legal duty under the Health and Safety Information for Employees Regulations (HSIER) to display the approved poster in a prominent position in each workplace or to provide each worker with a copy of the approved leaflet."
The HSE Poster must be available to see for all employees at their place of work. Typically this will require one HSE poster for each main building.
Get Your New HSE Poster From ESE Direct
At ESE Direct we can supply you with the updated Health and Safety Law poster here making sure you comply with legislation as well as a wide range of first aid signs and kits for your workplace.

Author Bio - Laura Holland
Social Media and Web Content Coordinator, Jan 2014 - May 2015