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Staff Spotlight - Debs Whomes

Debs Whomes

Our Debs tells us what she likes to do whe she's not in the office

What is your role at ESE Direct?

Digital Marketer

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Play piano and cello, socialise with my friends, go for walks and bike rides, watch EastEnders in my onesie, tap & ballroom dancing.

Who are you listening to at the moment?

McFly, The Script, Miss Saigon, Tchaikovsky (what can I say? I have an eclectic taste in music!)

What was the last book you read?

Bridget Jones, Mad About the Boy by Helen Fielding.

What is your favourite film and the last film you watched?

Favourite film is Bridget Jones, my friends call me Bridget Whomes… the last film I saw was The Bourne Legacy.

If you could have dinner with 3 people living or dead who would it be and why?

  • My Mum, 2 nannys & 2 grandads (yes I know that's 5 people!)
  • Ant & Dec – because they make me laugh (they come as a pair!)
  • Luke Roberts – Coz he's rather delicious

What is your hidden talent?

I used to work with Mr Blobby (is that a hidden talent?!)

Photograph of Laura Holland

Author Bio -

Social Media and Web Content Coordinator, Jan 2014 - May 2015
