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Information Signs

Information signs for your business

Whatever the nature of your business, there are always ways to improve communication. our creative collection of signs are just one solution for the conveyance of important messages to your staff and visitors to your workplace.

The saying goes, an elephant never forgets. But we're not elephants, we're humans. It's only natural to forget things what with the fast-paced life that many of us now lead. A gentle reminder in the right direction can actually be a very welcome addition to your workplace or home. Reminder signs placed on walls, or on equipment can also help create a safer more effective environment.

Where health and hygiene is concerned, it is of course paramount that guidelines and rules and regulations are observed. To ensure a clean and healthy environment, procedures must be put in place to ensure high standards are always met, and kept.

Food preparation zones, such as canteens and kitchens, be they in schools or Michelin Star restaurants all have to adhere to the same high levels of hygiene. Effective signage must be placed in all areas in which food preparation takes place. A range of differing kitchen signs will be evident in environments that produce cooked food as there also will be for kitchen work areas that work on raw food preparation. These separate areas should always be clearly marked with the appropriate signage.

Failure to retain clean and hygienic working conditions may result in a visit from your local council or the environmental health department of your local authorities, and nobody wants to give them a reason to come knocking.

So it's best to stick to the rules when it comes to catering signs. Always ensure you are displaying the required information signs within your catering zones. Plus, they can provide a bit of light reading during those graveyard shifts.

Displaying recycling signs can help to save the planet

The need to be careful and considerate to our planet has become more and more evident during the past couple of decades. Environmental campaigns are often forefront, regularly making the headlines of many a newspaper and trending on social media.

The good news is, every little thing you recycle really can make a difference. In order to make it easy for us to recycle there are loads of great recycling facilities now available. But you can also do your bit at home and in your office too with the help of the best signage and equipment.

Little things like remembering to switch of the light when you leave a room can make a huge difference when you add up the amount of unnecessary fossil fuels that would be wasted over say, 3 months. It really does add up. So, why not place a little reminder sign near the light switch to help workers to simply flick that switch and do their bit.

Not only is it a good thing to turn off lights when not in use, but electrical equipment too. Turning off electrical appliances once you've finished using them is also the safe thing to do to help avoid over-heating creating a potential fire hazard. A sign specifically aimed to remind users to press the off switch can be displayed nearby.

Signs displaying recycling symbols are clear indicators of the place to head to pop your mobius loops and plastic bottle, watch out for those plastic films though, as some of them are sadly not yet recycled at all recycling centres across the UK. Check locally as to which products it is possible to recycle and then you'll be happy in the knowledge that you are putting your items into the correct recycling bin.

Sets of vinyl sticky-back labels are a fantastic way of helping to positively effect the way in which we recycle. Each sign displays a different icon to depict which item can be recycled where. They can be placed directly on to waste bins, or simply around the office as reminders of the vast array of products that can be widely recycled.

Unsure if your yoghurt pot or ready-meal wrapper is made from recycled material? Check out the pack recycling label which should inform you whether or not your packaging is recyclable. And that's one more item you could have saved from the dreaded land fill.

We're all now very aware of the 5 pence charge for the humble plastic carrier bags. 'Would you like a bag?' has become more of a catchphrase than a question. But taking away the option of a free carrier bag with your chocolate bar has dramatically reduced the amount of nasty plastic waste sent to the sea, and poor old bags seen caught in trees along the roadside.

Who knew just how easy is it would become to do your bit to recycle, with carrier bags no longer as far as the eye can see at the supermarket checkout it's a testimony that proves a small thing like reusing a carrier or bring your own tote bag really can create positive change.

But, there is always more we can do to ensure the trend for reusing and recycling continues. You'll find it hard to miss the big carrier bag collection points outside supermarket entrances, they usually have a sign with the recognisable green dot arrow recycle logo above them.

So, to avoid the classic supermarket carrier bag collection that almost everyone is familiar with. You know the ones, spilling out of a kitchen cupboard or drawer. Take them to be recycled at supermarket carrier bag collection points, trust us it'll be a weight off your mind.

Our information signs generally available with an adhesive backing or if you prefer something a bit stiffer, opt for the semi rigid PVC signs. Many of the informatory signs you can buy from us here at ESE Direct are suitable for use indoors or outdoors too. Which ever type of sign you select, make it an informative one!

P.S. If you're looking for specific safety signs you can check out our large selection of safety related signage.
