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Staff Spotlight - Kris Coidan

Kris Coidan 2014

Back in May 2014 we spoke to Kris and asked him his thoughts on a few things, this was how he responded.

What is your role at ESE Direct?

Working in the warehouse building and dispatching orders.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

My spare time is taken up with BMX, playing guitar and watching episodes of Star Trek. Not at the same time though, that would be difficult.

Who are you listening to at the moment?

Biffy Clyro and Rise Against.

What was the last book you read?

Joyland - Stephen King

What is your favourite film/last film you saw?

My favourite film is ‘Drive’ and the last film I saw was 'Despicable Me'

If you could have dinner with 3 people living or dead who would it be and why?

Patrick Stewart – He's my favourite Star Trek captain
Michael McIntyre– He's a very funny man
Quentin Tarantino - An absolutely brilliant film director.

What is your hidden talent?

It's so hidden that not even I know it.

More than a year has since whizzed by so we thought we'd pick Kris's brain once more. This time with a selection of new questions along with a couple of originals to compare and contrast! This is what he said.

Kris Coidan on his BMX bike

What is your role at ESE Direct?

Project Administrator – I look after all the purchase order and paper work making sure it is up to date. I also help out with Shelving and Cloakroom bench quotations.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I like to ride my BMX, playing guitar and working on my car.

Who are you listening to at the moment?


What is the most embarrassing CD/MP3/record(?!) you own?

Berlin - Take my Breath Away

What was the last book you read and would you recommend it?

Finders Keepers by Stephen King and yes I would can't wait for the final book in the trilogy.

What are your top 5 favourite films?

1. Star Trek I – XII
2. The Matrix Trilogy
3. Drive
4. Flight of the Navigator
5. The Departed

What is your favourite food, and when was the last time you ate it?

Fajitas and a couple of weeks ago.

What 3 things would you choose to have with you if you were stranded on a desert island?

Burger King
My Dog

If you could have dinner with 3 people living or dead who would it be and why?

1. Patrick Stewart - Favourite Star Trek Captain
2. Brent Spiner - Played Data in The Next Generation
3. Commandant Eric Lassard – Everyone's favourite from Police Academy

What is your hidden talent?

Still hidden.

Photograph of Debs

Author Bio -

Digital marketer, social media, content writer, musician, sloth-lover, tea-drinker.
