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Work experience at ESE Direct diary

Work experience student, Ben Ambrose gives us the lowdown on his time in the ESE Direct office

Ben Ambrose

Background information - name, interests, a little bit about yourself

I’m Ben Ambrose, I like to watch and play football. I am a proud supporter of Norwich City and I have a season ticket; I go with my Dad. I also like to play a bit of tennis, but I'm not a big fan of watching it (unless it's Wimbledon). I also have two brothers called Chris (18) and Charlie (11) I've only been twice but I'm a huge fan of Nandos. I like using my iPad to do all sorts of activities such as using social media and watching videos and playing games. I regularly play on my Xbox One with my friends; I am very fond of FIFA and Call of Duty. I am also [Stuart, ESE Technical Sales Consultant] Stuart's son, so I have a lot to live up to.

What are your first impressions?

My first impression of ESE is that everyone seems really nice and I have been welcomed by the people around me nicely and I’m really looking forward to working here for a week and a bit, potentially getting to know more people. Also everyone is very good at what they do so if ever I need help I am not worried to ask. Admittedly I was a bit nervous about coming to ESE but now I feel I am settling in very well. Also I am very happy with the amount of responsibility I have because I thought I would always have someone watching over me, but instead I have been given a task and I've been allowed to crack on with it; which I particularly like!

What part of the work do you think you’ll be most interested in?

I think that I’ll be most interested in using a computer to complete different tasks and learning new skills to help me do this and I'm also looking forward to using my skills that I already have. Also with the skills that I learn I can use them in potentially a future job or whenever I need to use them. I do GCSE IT so hopefully I can learn some more computing skills to take lessons and potentially improve my grade.

I'm looking to learn new computing skills and learn to successfully work with new people. I'm mainly trying to become not as attached to school life as I grow up, so when I leave school, the working environment isn't as much of a shock to me and I can hopefully adapt to it. Also I would like to become more independent as a person and feel more like an adult rather than a small child, in a big school. Also I can just do things that I enjoy doing without having a teacher constantly putting the pressure on and I feel this will help me strive to succeed.

Is there anything surprising about being in a workplace?

It’s not that surprising, but it's a relief not to have to always be told what to do by a teacher. It's better just being assigned a task and completing it individually with no one always checking and pointing out mistakes (I'll check for them after), it's easier to do the job in a peaceful environment. I also find it strange working at the same place as my Dad because, obviously, I’m not used to it so it's another interesting experience for me.

Photograph of Ben

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