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Staff Spotlight - Laura Holland

laura holland, social media

What is your role at ESE Direct?

I’m the Social Media and Web Content Co-ordinator, I create interesting guest blogs, articles and product descriptions as well as looking after all the social media accounts and keeping them engaging for our fans/followers.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I love to watch movies, whether that is at home or at the cinema, I’ve even started a film blog. I’ve also done a bit of movie extra work as well, getting to see Brad Pitt and James McAvoy was quite the moment.

Who are you listening to at the moment?

Bon Iver and Thirty Seconds to Mars

What was the last book you read?

It was actually Hamlet, I’m also halfway through Socialnomics which is an interesting book about social media and how it’s affecting the way we live and how we do business.

What is your favourite film

Blade Runner, but it’s incredibly close with Star Wars.

If you could have dinner with 3 people living or dead who would it be and why?

  1. Tom Hiddleston – Because he comes across as charming, funny and intelligent, what more could you want from a dinner guest?
  2. Michael Caine – I just think he’d be incredibly interesting to speak to.
  3. Gene Kelly – I’ve loved Gene Kelly ever since I saw Singin’ in the Rain, he’d be a hoot.

What is your hidden talent? 

I can eat a big bag of giant buttons pretty quickly?

Photograph of Laura Holland

Author Bio -

Social Media and Web Content Coordinator, Jan 2014 - May 2015
