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Staff Spotlight - Simon Francis

It's time for another staff spotlight and today we shine the light on our Managing Director, Simon Francis

Simon Francis takes on the Ice Bucket Challenge

What is your role at ESE Direct?

Over the last 30 years I have worked in virtually every job except accounts, now the buck stops here as I am the Managing Director.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I like to rest and watch things you don’t have to think too much about on TV. Or go on really long walks around the beautiful coast of Norfolk with my wife and my camera (the walls of our offices are covered in pictures from my trips).

Who are you listening to at the moment?

Whatever is on the radio I am afraid as I only listen to music in my car, although I went to my first ever festival yesterday (yes even at my age) and listened to The Real thing – Heaven 17 – Bjorn Again – Aswad – Sister Sledge and even Jason Donovan but I had to go home early for my cocoa!!

What was the last book you read?

I am embarrassed to say I don’t really read books, I can manage a Top Gear magazine or similar but I seem to have the attention span of a goldfish if reading a book.

What is your favourite film and the last film you watched?

We watch films and go to the theatre pretty regularly and I will watch most things the other week I watched Gravity which was pretty good, I also like the films from the old comic books like Spiderman, The Avengers and Batman

If you could have dinner with 3 people living or dead who would it be and why?

I know it is a bit of a common theme but I would like dinner with my Grandad as along with my parents he taught me the importance of treating others as you would wish to be treated.

Richard Branson because I am sure I can learn loads from him and I would also like to visit Necker Island.

David Powell a retired major supplier of ours because I have not seen him for years and I used to call him my second dad, as when I was much younger he always went the extra mile to help us build ESE to the business it is now (as does his successor today because we have used them since 1976).

What is your hidden talent?

Multi-tasking, as apparently only women can do this, so I must be in touch with my feminine side.

Oh and they call me Dumbo at work as I seem to be able to hear almost anything even halfway across the office.

Photograph of Laura Holland

Author Bio -

Social Media and Web Content Coordinator, Jan 2014 - May 2015
