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The Colour5K

On Saturday our Social Media and Web Content Coordinator, Laura (that's me), took part in the Colour5K just outside of Norwich.

The Colour5k works directly with charities as £5 of every registration fee goes towards the chosen charity for the race, this year's Colour5K Norwich charity was Keeping Abreast

I arrived at the registration tent nice and early to collect my t-shirt, which as you can see looks white and pristine.

Laura Holland ready for Colour5K

Before the race kicked off we all joined in a mahoosive group warm up which included some Zumba moves which I was making up by the end of it (I’m not very co-ordinated) and then we waited patiently at the start line eager to go, once everyone was lined up we were off!

The first 10-15 minutes of the race the heavens decided to open up and it made some of the grass hard work (as well as playing havoc with my contact lenses) but as most of us finished the first lap and received our first colour it had stopped.

Every 1k that was completed you collected a colour, they were:

1K = RED
5K = PURPLE (within the first 45 mins, PINK after)

45 minutes later I ran through the finish line, found a couple of my other friends who had also taken part, who were looking suitable colourful.

Covered in colur at Colour5K

And then it was time for the colour spectacular to mark the end of the race, which was incredible to watch.

Colour spectacular

All in all it was a fantastic day had by all, and lots of money raised for an incredibly worthwhile charity.

Although it did take 1 hot bath, 1 very hot shower and 4 hair washes to get rid of the paint I will definitely be taking part again next year and I will try to convince the rest of the ESE Direct team to take part too! (You have all been warned!)

Photograph of Laura Holland

Author Bio -

Social Media and Web Content Coordinator, Jan 2014 - May 2015
